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Pay it forward: Wayfinder Coaching

A ground-breaking "Pay It Forward" coaching Experiment

Wayfinding for Conscientious
& Compassionate Humans

I partner with compassionate change-makers to help them remember who they are, bravely lean into their callings, and impact the world through their presence and work.

Wayfinding’s about remembering who you are and living in integrity with your truth. When we Wayfind, we create a potent catalyst for personal transformation.

Peace is your soul's home.



Click here to read a whole freaking page of testimonials!

Pay It Forward Pricing Experiment

This is probably the craziest offer I’ve created since launching my Wayfinder Coaching business! But who fucking cares – I get to call the shots, don’t I?!

This 1:1 program is an experiment that I’m limiting to one human at any given point in time. Former and existing clients are currently ineligible.

In exchange for receiving Wayfinder Coaching, you must commit – to take a vow – to pay it forward. In your application, you will share what this looks like for you, given your unique circumstances and gifts.

Intrigued? I hope so! Apply now to get started.

"PIF" Wayfinding Includes:

A wayfinding approach blended with Alternative modalities

recordings w/transcripts so that you can skip Note-taking

An energetic exchange to hold you accountable + serve others

It's About Remembering who you are.

How it works

1. You Apply

You apply for this program. If I believe you’re a good fit, I’ll invite you to schedule a call.

2. We Meet

We’ll explore what Wayfinding together will look like and the “PIF” exchange you’ll commit to.

3. You Commit

I’ll invite you to secure your spot via email & offer your vow if I decide to more forward with you.

& It's About living in integrity w/your truth.

Best Love EVER !!

What's Possible for you:

You stop apologizing for who you are and reclaim your right to unapologetically take up space.

You learn who you are and what your purpose is (if you’re seeking it).

You actualize your purpose.

You reclaim agency over your own life.

You make decisions that others don’t always support, and you’re okay with that.

You feel inspired and purpose-driven.

You feel a re-wilding of Spirit, a fire in your belly, and a reconnection with the sacred.

You come to reside in a state of inner peace without much (if any) effort.

You embody the Divine Love that you already ARE.

You make changes that you’ve been avoiding: renegotiating a relationship, leaving a job, starting a business…and you do so with grace.

You show up in the world from a place of Love because you’ve discovered that it’s who you truly are.

You practice radical self-care.

You stop settling for scraps, mediocrity, or ‘good enough’.

You come to not only trust and follow your inner guide – la que sabe, she who knows – but to rely on her.

You live a soul-aligned, fulfilling AF life and help elevate the collective consciousness of humanity in the process.


Please review the Q&As below. If you don’t see your question, drop me a line at [email protected]. I’ll do my best to respond within 1 business day.

It’s not!

I am test-driving a unique-to-me business model that allows me to offer my gifts to the world in a way that feels truly soul-aligned.

This model provides me the opportunity to simultaneously offer an act of service and inspire a ripple effect outside of our 1:1 container.

And, it increases your own accountability because you have skin in the game (even if it’s not financial skin).

I generate income through other channels; this is simply one of the ways I feel called to give back.

Please visit my home page and read the section with the heading: “Actualize Your Purpose As You Elevate The Soul Of Humanity.”

I wrote that a while ago, but it explains my heart and motivations well.

I’d like to expand my reach and impact, and I know that my current and former clients already are being impactful in their communities!

Wayfinding is all about supporting a client who’s embarked on the journey to live in integrity with their true nature. This is in stark contrast from most of the coaching offers I’ve encountered, which don’t tend to focus on whether a stated goal or desire is truly aligned for the client at the soul level.

During a coaching call, we’re going to regularly check in with your body compass and/or your future Self. We’re going to invite creativity into our work. And, we’re going to explore your greater vision, whether your goals align with it, and how to tweak them if they don’t.

Nearly every session includes us identifying turtle steps that are aligned with your greater vision.

Additionally, Wayfinding may involve swapping Zoom for our phones so that we can move outdoors, where insights seem to come quicker and more naturally.

Yes! While Zoom is my default arrangement, we can also Wayfind over the phone or even in-person! In fact, if you live near Chicago and are able to come to me, I would LOVE to “Wayfind in the woods” with you.

Absolutely! While my site – its verbiage and vibe – tend to resonate best with women, I LOVE working with men who are drawn to my particular “flavor” of this work (they tend to be pretty self-aware, which is a fantastic trait)! And those I’ve worked with have told me that they felt truly seen, which is something that they don’t get much of in their day-to-day lives.

What’s important is that you vibe with what you encounter on this site.

Regardless of your pronouns, if you feel drawn to what you’ve encountered here, please schedule a call!

My Guarantee

I guarantee to show up, be fully present, and hold space for you. To coach you powerfully, to the best of my ability. I do not guarantee specific results. You’ll get out of Wayfinding what you put into it.