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Upcoming Events

infographic for the sacred sister full moon circle on August 22, 2024

Thursday, AUGUST 22nd, 7:15-9pM (In-Person)

Sacred Sister Full Moon Circle

Cost: Free

Sisters! This is likely the only free Sacred Sister Circle I’ll be facilitating for the remainder of the year, so I hope you’ll be able to make it! Weather-permitting, we’ll gather around my fire pit. Otherwise, we’ll gather indoors. IMPORTANT: please arrive between 7-7:15pm.

All open-minded women are welcome, without exception. Note that I’ll post time-sensitive updates on The Sisterhood Project (Chicago)’s Facebook community page. If you’ve never attended one of my in-person circles and need my address, please click the registration button.

infographic with a fire and an invitation to join the sacred sister membership circle

2nd Thursdays of Sep - Feb, 7:15 - 9pm (In-person)

Membership Circle & Sisterhood (Fall & Winter)

Early bird pricing: $125 ($150 after July 31st)

Six sisters recently completed a 3-month pilot membership circle, and the feedback I received was that (1) all of them loved it(!!), (2) most wanted a lengthier membership, and (3) most hinted that they’d dig more community.

And so, Round 2 will run 6 months. It will include a private messaging channel so that we can create a more intentional, nourishing, and supportive sisterhood. And, it will include at least one social gathering each season.

This is an in-person opportunity that has space for up to 10 sisters. I would love for you to be one of them!

Update: this circle is currently being offered only sporadically

Sacred Sister Full Moon Circle

For the time being, I have decided to offer this circle sporadically rather than monthly. I’m still gathering women in sacred circle – for example, I just piloted a 3-month membership circle with great success – and I don’t intend to stop. But focusing my energies on circles that inspire an ongoing commitment from participants is most aligned with me at this point in time.

If these circles interest you, be sure to do at least one of the following: bookmark this page (and check back often!), subscribe to my weekly newsletter, and/or join our FB group. I want to thank you, sister, for your interest and support!


(From Circlers + one of My Guides)

Love from cacao Circlers

Magical + ethereal

"Time stood still and I was completely at one..."

“I have experienced something magical and ethereal during the cacao ceremony…where it felt that time stood still and I was completely at one with my sisters and the universe, but when I came out of it, I was met with peace and tranquillity. Love to you and to all the ladies who were there. Blessings.”

-Emma Jung-Beeman

Deep sense of connection

"I felt so present..."

“The ceremony was lovely in every single way. I was able let go of any fear and allow in whatever wanted to happen. For me, I mostly just felt happy and a deep sense of connection afterwards. It has been a long time since I’ve felt so present for a couple of hours. I thoroughly enjoyed it and am very grateful for the experience.”

-Diane Rakocy

You're a Good Fit For These Offerings If...

You're open to new experiences

Holding space and sacred circling may be unfamiliar to you, but you’re curious about and open to experiencing both.

You respect other's spiritual beliefs

You welcome without condition those who hold different spiritual or religious beliefs than you do.

You crave an inclusive sisterhood

You embrace diversity. These circles are open to all women, and we welcome sisters from marginalized communities.

Never Miss A Circle!

I typically email sisters once a week with circling & event updates, reflections on a theme, and things like my latest blog post or guest podcast appearance. 

Judging by my crazy high open rates, sisters dig these emails, so there’s a strong chance that you will, too!