The deadline to apply to our SACRED CIRCLE FACILITATOR training program is October 20.

Wayfinding 2.0:
For Visionaries
& Leaders

Radically transform your life experience in 6-12 months

A Recalibration of Spirit,
for Leaders & Visionaries

The highlight reel of your life is a dream that others envy and few will experience. You are a recognized as a leader or visionary, and your years of hard work have paid off.

And while things are good – maybe even very good – in the pursuit of leadership, you’ve neglected your spirit, your true nature.

Living the dream has afforded you great opportunities that you’re crazy grateful for, but it hasn’t brought you ongoing fulfillment, frequent bouts of joy, and a sustained inner peace…all of which come from living in full alignment and integrity with who you truly are.

Let’s change that.

Wayfinding 2.0 may be For You if...

…you are wildly successful yet yearn for deeper fulfillment and a sustained state of inner calm. 

…you feel stuck in your job or marriage or life and are at a crossroads. A lot’s at stake!

…your body’s communicating to you in its unique-to-you way that your life needs to change.

…you seek a guide who isn’t intimidated by your achievements and insists on being real with you.

…you are an owner of your life experience and are willing to get uncomfortable for the sake of growth.

Wayfinding 2.0 is your invitation to...

…live in a manner that naturally brings fulfillment, peace, joy, and a deeper sense of purpose.

…make important decisions (with ease!) that are aligned with who you truly are.

…reunite with your true nature and bring a deeper level of integrity into your leadership and life.

…be treated respectfully AND as an equal; to receive insights and observations that no one else dares to share (offered bluntly but with love).

…actualize your potential and enhance your impact.

What makes me the right Guide for you?

You crave An Equal

You’re tired of people seeing your success instead of YOU. You want someone who’s willing to be real with you and views you as an equal.

You care deeply

You care deeply about humanity and the state of our world. You’re driven to contribute to changing our world in ways that matter deeply to you.

You feel called

Something deep within you just knows. You are drawn. You feel called. Your body’s buzzing as you read the copy on this sales page. Listen to it.

Beyond The Dream, peace awaits


Love, Summarized

Want more? Click here for a whole page of client love and testimonials.

Your Investment

We will discuss your investment during an exploratory conversation. This is the most intimate way to work with me and requires a multi-four-figure monthly investment. If this is prohibitive, I encourage you to explore my other Wayfinding opportunities.

If during our conversation it’s not a “hell YES!!” for both of us, it’s probably a “not yet.” Know that I have a firm policy of not using manipulation to “help you overcome your objections” and that you’re always welcome to sleep on any offer I extend to you.

Your Investment Includes:

Semi-Annual retreat to ampifly the impact of our work

Messaging & support when you need it most

6-12 months of Highly targeted & transformative Wayfinding

Beyond the dream, joy awaits


Please review the Q&As below. If you don’t see your question, drop me a line at [email protected]. I’ll do my best to respond within 1 business day.

Yes. During our initial call, you’ll get a taste of what Wayfinding with me is like. In fact, this may take up the bulk of our call.

From there, we may determine that a second call is prudent before deciding whether working together is a “hell YES!” or “not yet.”

This is a multiple four-figure monthly investment.


In fact, I’ll encourage you to sleep on things before making a decision.

I am a trained, insured, and credentialed coach, and I have a very strong academic and professional background. But I know that’s not what you’re really asking, so let’s address the proverbial elephant in the room:

A barefoot middle-aged woman wearing an Earth goddess dress while climbing a tree is inviting you to work with her.

But let’s look closer. What you’re really seeing is…

A fulfilled and abundantly joyful woman who’s radically transformed her life in ways that few others do unapologetically doing what lights her up; a woman who radiates self-love and truly owns who she is is inviting you to work with her.

Let me ask you this: what kind of guide is going to engage with you in a way that will make this deep investment of your time and money truly worth it to you? Someone who “dresses the part” or “acts the part” even when it’s not aligned with who they truly are? Definitely not.

Our work will be impactful and transformative because I’ll say the things that no one else dares to say to you (because I’m neither afraid to rock the boat nor desperate for clients). And while I am simultaneously compassionate, gentle, and bold, I absolutely do not need you to always like me. In fact, if there aren’t times when you mutter “I fucking hate you, Kristi!” I’m probably not doing my job!

I live and breathe Wayfinding and have for well over two decades. I’m not here to impress upon you just how capable I am of fitting into your world; I’m here to facilitate your transformation just as I’ve facilitated my own and others.

You don’t need me to look like you.

I work with humans – mostly women, but I don’t discriminate – and so regardless of your pronouns, if you are feeling the pull to work with me, I invite you to apply.

My Refund Policy + Guarantee

I guarantee to show up, be fully present, and hold space for you. To coach you powerfully, to the best of my ability. I do not guarantee specific results. You’ll get out of Wayfinding what you put into it.

Your progress and satisfaction are very important to me, as is my time. As such, I don’t offer refunds.

I strongly recommend that you review my Terms of Purchase.