Don't miss our SACRED CIRCLE FACILITATOR training program's early bird incentives now through Sept. 18!

Guide Impactful
Sister Circles

Sacred Circle Facilitator Training, Sisterhood, & Mastermind

This is the Circle facilitation Training I wish I'd taken

Sister, this is not your typical “circle leader” training! It’s the training I wish existed when I started calling circles, and its lessons are things I wish all sacred circle facilitators embodied.

This program is truly as much for seasoned circle facilitators as it is for those who are new to calling circles. [Learn why here.] It offers you the opportunity to step into your role as a sacred sister circle facilitator POWERFULLY and to create the impact you were born to make.

The deadline to qualify for the early bird savings (20%) and access to a live Visioning Workshop is Sept. 18, 2024. No applications will be accepted after October 20, 2024.

I see you, sister

This program is for women who Are being called to guide others

This is both an honor and a privilege…and it can feel overwhelming if you’re going it alone. 

You and I both know deep within our bones that you were put on Earth at this juncture in history to in some way elevate the consciousness of humanity, and in the way that only you can. So was I, and it’s a mission I’ve accepted. But sometimes we need a little help in fulfilling our missions. That’s what this program offers.

our vehicle of delivery is sacred circles

We focus on circles because they embody what our destructive systems don’t: structures that – if guided skillfully and intentionally – foster compassion, sisterhood, and soul healing. And it’s when we embody these things and live in integrity with who we are that our world has the chance to begin to heal.

ethereal-looking image of one woman

it's about more than facilitating circles

This "Circle Leader" Training Is Different

This is not your typical “circle leader” training. For starters, this program includes important circling elements that others rarely do. Like being mindful of the language we use, avoiding practices that are appropriative, and introducing approaches that foster greater inclusivity and true equity.

Second, we approach circling through a Wayfinder’s lens. This means that beneath a circle’s structure and rituals is the intention of guiding sisters to remember

who they are, to live in integrity with their true natures, and to help heal the world through this embodiment.

Third, this program doesn’t end the moment we’ve completed our lessons – when the bonds of sisterhood have only just begun to take root. Instead, we continue to gather, to learn from each other in a mastermind circle, and to receive group and 1:1 mentoring support so that we can bring our visions to life and challenge our fears of not being ready to do this important work.

About this Ground-breaking program

Common Circling Issues

Your Circles before the Program:

Your circles after the program:

Introducing this one-of-a-kind program

Sacred circle facilitator Training:

Guiding Impactful Sister Circles Through A Wayfinder's Lens

This program prepares you to guide impactful sister circles through a Wayfinder’s lens and become a certified Sacred Circle Facilitator. And, it highlights your readiness and commitment to serve humanity through highly impactful sacred circling and sister circling.

The Curriculum

What You'll Learn

The first half of this program is about becoming an impactful guide and is divided into eight lessons where I’ll share our teachings. The second half of this program is about support, thought leadership, and sisterhood.

ethereal-looking image of one woman

Oct - Dec, weekly

Lessons & Content

Lesson content will be delivered live weekly, with replays available within 24 hours. You are encouraged to submit questions in advance of each lesson. Lessons are generally pretty short and without fluff. Below are some of the topics we’ll be exploring.

OCT - DEC, Mondays 6:30-8:30pm CST (Chicago Time)

Sister Circles

When relevant, these circles will embody the week’s lessons. They will sometimes vary in format but will always be guided through the Wayfinder’s lens. Following each circle, we’ll spend some time debriefing our experiences. Here’s a taste of what you can expect:

ethereal-looking image of three woman
ethereal-looking image of one woman

Jan - Feb, alternating Mondays 6:30-8:30pm CST

Group Mentoring & Coaching

We’ll have four group mentoring and coaching calls. As a credentialed coach, I’ll be offering loving and compassionate (and sometimes poignant) coaching and/or mentoring support. This is a great opportunity to bring up challenges such as:


Mastermind Circle

“Mastermind Circles are peer-to-peer groups designed to help members expand their knowledge, solve their problems and leverage opportunities with input and experience-sharing from the other circle members.” -IABC

We’ll have three mastermind and/or discussion circles, with formats and topics selected based on the collective interest.

ethereal-looking image of two women
ethereal-looking image of one woman

Throughout our container (Oct - Mar)

Accountability & Support

This program is designed to enhance accountability through 1:1 support and high-value rewards offered in exchange for successful completion of program milestones. Support and rewards include the following:

Group mentoring & coaching support

1:1 mentoring & coaching support

High-value bonuses for accountability

High-caliber training w/o any fluff

Your sisters are yearning for a guide

Accountability Bonuses (value $150+)

Have you ever joined a course or program with the best of intentions, but then life derails you a bit and you let your progress slip away? Yeah, me too. That’s why I’m including a few high-value accountability bonuses!

Accountability bonuses are designed to encourage you to actually do the work! There are two available during the first half of the program, and two available upon completion of the program.

You must complete the requirements for each bonus by its deadline to be eligible to receive live access. If you miss the deadline, you will receive access to the replay once you’ve completed the requirements for that bonus.

Bonus #1: Guiding meditations (Value: $75)

In this masterclass, you’ll learn my approach to guiding mindfulness, grounding, and journeying meditations, which add value to all kinds of circles.

Bonus #2: Promoting Your Circles (Value: $75)

In this workshop, we’ll cover the avenues I’ve had great success with: FB groups and simple but effective SEO. We’ll also  explore alternative options.

BONUSes #3 & 4: I'll promote you (Value: ?)

I’ll profile you individually in a social media post (story, reel, or carousel shared across IG and FB), and you’ll get a listing (with a link) on my website.

In summary, here's what you'll get in this comprehensive program*

Instruction, Support, Mentoring, & Community

Programming runs October – February and wraps up in March. Some features are offered only during specific portions of the program.

Live Instruction

Course material will be delivered live on Wednesdays from 7 – 8pm (Chicago time) during the first half of the program. Replays will be available within 24 hours.

Sacred Sister Circles

We’ll gather in sacred circle on Mondays from 6:30 – 8:30pm CST (Chicago time) during the first half of the program and during our last group session.

Mastermind calls

We’ll have biweekly mastermind calls during the second half of our program to explore topics we’ve covered or those that have arisen. It’s also a time for peer support.

Group Mentoring

We’ll have biweekly group mentoring/coaching calls during the second half of our program to answer questions and receive mentoring or coaching support.

1:1 Mentoring

You’ll have two 1-hr 1:1 mentoring or coaching sessions with me (one in Oct – Dec, and one in Jan – Mar). These are intended to help you become a stronger facilitator.


Our course platform is Thinkific and is our primary community space. I’ll also invite you to a private WhatsApp channel (optional). More on this below.

Office Hours

In March – after our programming wraps up and as you’re completing your certification requirements – I’ll be holding optional weekly office hours.

WhatsApp Channel

I’ll invite you to join our program’s private WhatsApp channel (optional). I will only be checking in sporadically but encourage you to use it to build sisterhood.

Extra support option

If you’d like to be able to message me privately for program-related support, you’ll have this option as an add-on when you enroll. Conditions will apply.

Early Bird Bonus: Visioning Workshop

Saturday, September 28 from 11am - 1pm (Chicago time)

Apply for this program by September 18th, and in addition to receiving $300 off our regular pricing, receive live access to a Visioning Workshop designed to help you gain clarity on how you want to share your circling gifts with the world. Replay will be made available within 24 hours.


Early bird Offer: Save $300
If you apply by Sep. 18, 2024

All applications require a $200 non-refundable deposit. If you aren’t invited to secure a spot in this program, I will promptly refund your deposit. The payment amounts listed below do not reflect the Early Bird savings.

Once your application is approved, you will have 48 hours to make payment arrangements and secure your spot.

One-time payment of


2 monthly payments of


6 monthly payments of


Sister Love

Note that this is a brand new offer, so I don’t yet have any testimonials to share. That being said, I offer a tiny course that contains some of the content that this program embodies. The following praise comes from a sister who’s purchased the tiny course…and loved it!

My Refund Policy & Guarantee

Your spot in this program is sacred. If we’ve reached maximum enrollment, it means that we may have to turn away another sister. If we haven’t reach maximum enrollment, your spot might have been the deciding factor in me offering vs cancelling this program.

As such, no refunds will be issued unless I’m unable to place you according to your availability as indicated in your application.

Note that if you enroll in a payment plan, you are legally responsible for successfully completing all payments even if you withdraw from the program.

I strongly recommend reviewing my Terms of Purchase.

Is the Sacred Circle Facilitator Program for me?

This May be perfect for you if:

This is NOT for you if:

How it works

Apply & pay deposit

To ensure that you’re a good fit for this program, you’ll need to complete a short(ish) application and put down a deposit.

Accept my invitation

If I extend you an invitation to join, you’ll have 48 hours to secure your spot and make payment arrangements.

block your calendar

You’ll want to do your best to block out your calendar for our calls and arrange to be distraction-free for their duration.

Meet your Guide

Hello, beautiful sister! My name is Kristi.

My work here on Planet Earth is to help elevate the collective consciousness of humanity by helping awakening humans remember who they truly are.

I do this by gathering women in sacred circle, offering ground-breaking circle facilitation trainings, Wayfinding with clients, and sharing wisdom via my blog and newsletter.

Me in a few labels: Gen-X Tree-Hugging Hippie. Mystic. 1/3 Reflector (33/19 24/44). Martha Beck-Certified Wayfinder Life Coach. Sacred Circle Facilitator. Recovering Protestor.

Featured in:


Early bird Offer: Save $300
If you apply by Sep. 18, 2024

All applications require a $200 non-refundable deposit. If you aren’t invited to secure a spot in this program, I will promptly refund your deposit. The payment options listed below do not reflect the Early Bird offer.

Once your application is approved, you will have 48 hours to make payment arrangements and secure your spot.

One-time payment of


2 monthly payments of


6 monthly payments of



If you don’t see your question in the FAQs, drop me a line at [email protected]. I’ll do my best to respond within 2 business days.

Yes, absolutely! One of our core values is inclusivity.

The fact that you are here and are asking this question tells me that you are humble enough to benefit from it!

You may find that some of the content is more relevant to you than others, but it’s my suspicion that you wouldn’t be looking to invest in a program that doesn’t offer you anything new.

If you have specific questions to help you gauge whether this is a good fit for you, please reach out to me at [email protected]!

This program isn’t just about learning how to gather women in sacred circle or becoming a better facilitator.  

This program is designed to facilitate personal transformation, where sacred circles are the delivery vehicle.

Wayfinding underpins the entirety of this program. So does creating a deeply nourishing sisterhood. So does challenging ourselves and moving through things that keep us stuck.

If you are drawn to this offer – even if you can’t imagine actually calling your own circles – I invite you to apply. 

PS – you wouldn’t be the first!

If something comes up and you can’t make one of your assigned circles, please give me a courtesy heads-up.

If you can’t make your circle, you can watch the replay (though it will exclude the primary sharing portion).

If you want to become certified as a Sacred Circling Guide, you’ll have to attest to attending the full duration of every call during the first portion of the program (lessons and circles) and at least 6 of the 8 calls during the second portion (masterminds, group mentoring, and our closing circle).

In general, replays count, but you must attend live at least six of the first eight circles and five of the masterminds/group mentoring and coaching calls.*

In circling containers, every sister’s voice matters. 

But the primary reason behind this requirement is so that your certification means something; it’s a signal to others of the caliber of your training.

*I invite you to reach out with concerns regarding your unique circumstances, should you have any.

The answer depends on whether or not you want to get certified.

If you don’t care about the certification and you’re feeling overwhelmed in general, I encourage you to just take a few minutes to skim my weekly email covering the current material before our next circle. Hopefully the circle will be a welcome antidote to your overwhelm! But if it isn’t, by all means give yourself permission to skip it.

If you are feeling overwhelmed and are seeking certification, please reach out!

Regardless, remember that you have two 1-hour 1:1 mentoring sessions with me over the course of this program. These calls are a great opportunity to explore any overwhelm and how to catch up. So, take advantage of them! And if you’ve already used them up and want to schedule more time with me, I’ll extend you a special rate.

For the early bird applicants (due September 18th), you can expect to receive a response from me by September 20th.

For applications received after the early bird deadline, you can expect to receive my response within 48 hours.

If you don’t complete your registration and submit or arrange payment within 48 hours, you risk losing your seat – especially if there’s a waitlist.

If you need more than 48 hours, please let me know as soon as possible and before that window passes so that I can work with you.

This short window is intended to help make the process more efficient; it’s not intended to make you rush what could be a financially irresponsible decision.

Please take some time now to review your finances and figure out what money you’ll need to move around, assuming that this program isn’t in your budget. And if you share finances with a partner, now’s the time to have that conversation with them.

From October – December, you’ll need to block out an hour each week to either attend our lesson live or watch the replay. You’ll also need to block out two hours each week to attend your assigned circle. Beyond this, you’ll have some assignments, but they’ll generally not require much time.

Translation: around 3 1/2 hours a week from October – December.

From January – February, we’ll only be meeting once a week for two hours. I would recommend allocating maybe an additional hour to prepare for that call, if warranted. For example, if you want help with something, please come prepared to clearly and succinctly request the help you’re seeking. Or if we’re exploring a specific topic in our upcoming mastermind, everyone will benefit from you having read up a bit and/or forming your thoughts around the topic.

Translation: around 3 hours a week from January – February.

March is when you’ll be wrapping your up your certification requirements (if you haven’t already done so and if you want to get certified). Much of the requirements can be sourced at least to some degree from the assignments you completed from October – December. We won’t be meeting, so it’s entirely on you how much time you’ll need to allocate to wrapping things up and/or catching up.


This program offers a track to become certified as a Sacred Circle Facilitator.*

This certification is only awarded to those who’ve satisfactorily completed the requirements of this four-month program.

*Please note that this designation isn’t trademarked and that other entities who haven’t completed this training may use it to describe themselves. Your certification document will indicate the hours you spent completing the requirements of this program.

In order for women to feel safe or brave enough to get truly vulnerable, the primary sharing portion of our circles will not be recorded.

However, the rest of the circle will be recorded – including the debrief – so that those watching the replay can learn from it.

Hosting course content – especially videos – is costly and sometimes requires upkeep.

Please assume that course materials will only be accessible through June 30, 2025. While it may remain online beyond that date, I’m not promising anything.

I encourage you to download all pdfs early on and to stay as current as possible with the course material so that when June 30th comes around, this won’t be an issue.

Note that while I don’t allow video downloads, I will provide downloadable transcripts of all video content.