The deadline to apply to our SACRED CIRCLE FACILITATOR training program is October 20.

Join a circle

We gather in sacred circle to remember who we are.

For women who crave sisterhood... & space to be who they truly are

Come gather in circle, where soul-nourishing community and sacred sisterhood are fostered, where women connect, feel validated, and know that they truly belong just as they are.

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Upcoming events

infographic promoting the Sacred Sister Facilitator Training, with two ethereal-looking women

We begin on October 23, 2024

Sacred Circle Facilitator Training (Virtual)

Early Bird incentives through Sep 18, 2024

Sister, this is not your typical “circle leader” training! It’s the training I wish existed when I started calling circles, and its lessons are things I wish all sacred circle facilitators embodied.

This program is truly as much for seasoned circle facilitators as it is for those who are new to calling circles. [Learn why here.] It offers you the opportunity to step into your role as a sacred sister circle facilitator POWERFULLY and to create the impact you were born to make.

Love from my sisters

(From Circlers + one of My Guides)

Love from cacao Circlers

Magical + ethereal

"Time stood still and I was completely at one..."

“I have experienced something magical and ethereal during the cacao ceremony…where it felt that time stood still and I was completely at one with my sisters and the universe, but when I came out of it, I was met with peace and tranquillity. Love to you and to all the ladies who were there. Blessings.”

-Emma Jung-Beeman

Deep sense of connection

"I felt so present..."

“The ceremony was lovely in every single way. I was able let go of any fear and allow in whatever wanted to happen. For me, I mostly just felt happy and a deep sense of connection afterwards. It has been a long time since I’ve felt so present for a couple of hours. I thoroughly enjoyed it and am very grateful for the experience.”

-Diane Rakocy

You're a Good Fit For These Offerings If...

You're open to new experiences

Holding space and sacred circling may be unfamiliar to you, but you’re curious about and open to experiencing both.

You respect other's spiritual beliefs

You welcome those who hold different spiritual beliefs than you, e.g. Christians, Wiccans, agnostics, Jews, etc.

You crave an inclusive sisterhood

You embrace diversity. These circles are open to all women, and we welcome sisters from marginalized communities.

About these Circles

Come Close, Sister

Come close, sister.
Come join us around this sacred fire.
Let’s sit in ceremony, together.
Rise, sister.
Let’s rise together

Sister, it’s your time to be seen, be heard.
To share with silence.
To share with words.
As you’re held in deep space.
In the womb of our gathered sisterhood.

Sister, it’s safe to…
Fall apart.
Rise up.
Cry, wail.
Sing, rejoice.
Be silent, be loud.
Be you.
Without apology.

Sister, see how our fire dances.
Coals shape-shift.
Souls connect.
Ritual happens.
We release shit.
Our shit, their shit.

Sister, witness our souls awakening.
Our hearts cracking open.
Our light illuminating the darkness.
Our vulnerability emerging.
Our callings becoming clearer.
Our ripple effect…

Sister, will you shine your light, your love?
To heal our hearts.
To inspire sisters who couldn’t join us.
To honor the young girls we once were and the wise women we’re becoming.
As we hold sacred space for each other, in circle.

what To expect

Most sacred sister circles follow this general format: (1) A brief centering or grounding exercise/meditation, (2) A collective review of our sacred circling agreements, (3) A reading or reflection or journeying, followed by a prompt, (4) The opening of our sacred circle, (5) Sharing, (6) The closing of our circle, (7) A releasing or intention-setting ritual accompanied by a sacred song or chant, (8) An opportunity to mingle and connect.

Each sister will receive equal time to share either with words or silence as we all hold space for her. This means that we won’t offer her advice, condolences, or even verbal encouragement. Instead, we offer her a far more precious gift: our focused presence. In this way she is truly seen, heard, and witnessed at a soul level. In-person circles will gather around a fire if outside and candles if inside. Virtual circles will gather via Zoom.

In-Person Sacred Circles

Full Moon Circles - PAUSED

Free, in person

From May of 2022 through May of 2024, I’ve facilitated these circles on the day closest to the full moon when my house is empty. Weather-permitting, we’d gather around my fire pit. Otherwise we’d meet indoors.

These have been glorious, community-building circles! I’ve truly cherished them, but I’m now being called to direct my energy towards circling sisters who want to dive deeper and are committed to building sisterhood.

I will likely still offer the occasional Sacred Sister Full Moon Circle, and you can stay in the loop by subscribing to my newsletter or bookmarking this page. Thanks!

Membership Circles

Paid, in person

Membership Circles are the newest addition to the lineup! Unlike our Sacred Sister Full Moon Circles, membership circles are only open to a small group of sisters.

Sitting in circle with the same women helps foster a deeper level of intimacy and increased vulnerability. Simply put, they are freaking beautiful!

Click the button below to view current Membership Circle offerings.

In-person circling logistics:

Register to get the location of our circle

I don’t publish my address online. Please complete this short form to get my address for free circles. Paid circles require advance registration.

Make sure to arrive early or on time

This is important! Our circles are sacred containers that open and close with intention, and arriving late disrupts our circle’s energy.

Abide By These Important Guidelines

Do: turn off your phone.

Don’t: bring children or men, arrive intoxicated, or share my home address.

Virtual Circles

Usually Paid, via Zoom

I currently don’t have a regular cadence for virtual circles – I hold them when enough sisters express interest or I’m feeling called – so if you don’t see one in the lineup but would love to attend, drop me a line!

Virtual circles circles are great if you can’t make the live circles, attend the live circles but want to circle more often, or prefer circling in your own space.

These circles have embodied differing formats in the past but are currently structured similarly to the in-person Sacred Sister Full Moon Circles.

Please note that these are paid circles, and you must register in advance. Thanks!

How to prepare for circles

In-Person (Chicago)

Bring a lawn chair for outdoor circles (if you have one)  |  arrive early or on time  |  turn off your phone  |  plan to remain present for the entire duration of the circle  |  leave children at home (we’ll be having adult conversations)  |  remain sober

Virtual (Zoom)

Have a candle & “talking piece” nearby (to hold while you share)  |  have a comfortable seat  |  arrive early or on time  |  keep your camera on  |  blur your background if it’s distracting  |  plan to remain present for the entire duration of the circle

Sacred Circles

In 1999-2001, I entered the sacredest of circles.
In sacred Mendota Mdewakanton Dakota pipe ceremonies and inipi.
In the sacred Diné sweat lodge.
And with my sisters around candlelight, on the full moon.

In 2004 – 2011, I sat in circle again, often twice-weekly.
Spiritual healing circles, 12-step recovery circles.

In 2021, I sat in circle again.
Initiated into sacred ceremony with Mama Cacao.
Honoring her and the elders who initiated my own teachers.

In 2022, I sat in circle again.
A sacred sister full moon circle, around my fire pit.
Many moons later, the circles continue…

Never miss a circle!

Stay In The Know

I typically email sisters once a week with circling & event updates, reflections on a theme, and things like my latest blog post or guest podcast appearance. 

Sisters tell me that they truly dig these emails, so perhaps you will, too!

A few kind words from subscribers:

“Dear Circle Goddess, have I told you recently how much I love your writing? No? Well, let me tell you, I Love your writing!❤️✍️”

“Wow, wow, WOW! So much goodness to unpack! I LOVE AND NEEDED THIS.”

“Always refreshing to read your newsletter and the empowering stories.”