The deadline to apply to our SACRED CIRCLE FACILITATOR training program is October 20.


& Sacred Circling

to the healers and awakening humans

This space is for you if...

You’re committed to being the change you wish to see in the world and are seeking support.

You heal others through your work (or way of BEing) and are feeling lost, burnt out, or overwhelmed.

You’re a visionary who’s answering the call to elevate our collective consciousness and heal Mama Earth.

You’re a woman who’s tired of playing small – who yearns to take up space – and who craves soul-nourishing community and sisterhood.

Choose Your Journey

My great vision involves a world where humanity’s collective consciousness has grown and Mama Earth is supported. And, I see early evidence that these things are happening.

The tipping point will come when en masse we remember who we are and live in integrity with – when we embody – our true natures. This worldview underpins everything I offer.

Wayfinder Coaching

Bring a deeper level of integrity into your work & life, & invite in fulfillment, joy, and sustained inner peace.

Sacred Sister Circles

Join our sisterhood! Gather with us in sacred circle, mostly in Chicago but occasionally via Zoom.

Circle Facilitation

On-demand and live trainings for sisters who are called to serve humanity through sacred circling.

Actualize your purpose

Join our sacred sisterhood

Guide transformative circles

Actualize your purpose, Ditch the burnout, & help elevate our collective consciousness

My greatest longing is for humanity to wake up. I believe that if those of us who are awakening committed to embodying who we truly are, our way of being would have a ripple effect beyond comprehension. And as more and more people are actively waking up, it’s possible that we’ll reach this tipping point – where reversing humanity’s destructive trajectory and bringing healing to Mama Earth actually happens.

This is no small undertaking. Most of us have all but severed our connection with our true natures, desires to be of service, and wise inner guides. And those of us who haven’t are often burnt out and overwhelmed from having to navigate the exploitative world we live in.

The result is a bottomless void filled with restlessness, suffering, and dis-ease; a place lacking any semblance of fulfillment, sense of greater purpose, inner peace, or ecstatic joy.

It’s no surprise, then, that we distract ourselves to oblivion in an attempt to fill this void. We do this with things like screens and booze and low-quality food and sensory overloaded environments and shopping – and even things like attaching ourselves to left-leaning identities that “other” people as being the problem – but none address the root cause of our deep discord. And so any relief we feel is temporary and often has consequences…like debt or hangovers or health issues or loneliness or ill-focused raged or more emptiness.

The answer to this discord is not more distraction; it’s to align our lives with what matters most to us, to live in integrity with our true natures, to embody the Love that we are.

Everything I offer is designed to help you remember and embody who you truly are and live in a way that inspires the holy fuck out of you. Wayfinder Coaching (aka Wayfinding) involves deeply exploring your true nature and what you’re here to do, and honoring the wisdom of your inner guide; sacred circling offers soul-nourishing sisterhood and an invitation to take up space; courses prepare you to facilitate transformation in others.

In my heart, I know that the only way we’re going to save humanity from its seemingly unstoppable trajectory of destruction is by returning to who we truly are en masse, by being the change. And this begins with you, with me, and with others who are waking up.

I see you. I hear you. I hold space for you. I love you.

Facilitate transformation

I'm here to serve humanity & mama earth by elevating our collective consciousness

My name's Kristi

My work here on Planet Earth is to help elevate the collective consciousness of humanity by helping awakening humans remember who they truly are.

I do this by gathering women in sacred circle, offering ground-breaking circle facilitation trainings, Wayfinding with healers leaders and visionaries, and sharing wisdom via my blog, podcast, and newsletter.

Me in a few labels: Gen-X Tree-Hugging Hippie. Mystic. 1/3 Reflector (33/19 24/44). Martha Beck-Certified Wayfinder Life Coach. Sacred Circle Facilitator. Facilitator of Transformation. Recovering Protestor.

You're a Great Fit Here If:

You're a Visionary

You’re a visionary and change-maker who’s committed to being the change.

You seek community

You crave soul-nourishing community with women who see and honor you.

You Long for change

You long to create a more beautiful world and to heal Mama Earth.

Love from clients & sisters

Wayfinder Coaching (aka Wayfinding)

Transform your life in 6-12 months

Working with me in a Wayfinding capacity isn’t for the faint of heart. Your life WILL change profoundly if you do the work. 

Wayfinding will pull you off our culture’s toxic hamster wheel, help you live in integrity with your true nature, and heal humanity a tiny bit in the process.

I offer several tracks to work with me in a Wayfinding (Wayfinder Coaching) capacity. Let’s get started!

More love from clients & sisters

Remember who you are

Honor the call

Change the world

Helpful articles & resources

Join My mailing list

I typically send a weekly newsletter with circling updates, Wayfinding reflections, my latest blog post or podcast appearance, and the occasional free download. 

Sisters tell me that they truly dig these emails, so maybe you will too!

Here are a few kind words from subscribers:

“Dear Circle Goddess, have I told you recently how much I love your writing? No? Well, let me tell you, I Love your writing!❤️✍️”

“Wow, wow, WOW! So much goodness to unpack! I LOVE AND NEEDED THIS.”

“Always refreshing to read your newsletter and the empowering stories.”