The deadline to apply to our SACRED CIRCLE FACILITATOR training program is October 20.

Wayfinder Coaching (Wayfinding)

Replacing overwhelm & burnout with fulfillment, peace, & renewed purpose

A Recalibration for Visionaries, Healers, & Awakening Humans

Working with me in a Wayfinding capacity isn’t for the faint of heart. Your life WILL change profoundly if you do the work. 

Wayfinding will pull you off our culture’s toxic hamster wheel, help you live in integrity with – to embody – your true nature, and bring healing to humanity and Mama Earth.

I offer several tracks to work with me in a Wayfinding capacity. Let’s get started!

Wayfinding 2.0: an extended Wayfinding immersion

Transform your life in Only 6-12 months

This offer is for a select few highly committed humans who crave deep transformation and recalibration. This offer includes a private weekend retreat, direct messaging access, and the option to have some sessions in the park, in the woods, or around my fire pit.

If you’re a visionary who is dedicated to elevating our collective consciousness; if you yearn for more fulfillment, peace, and purpose; AND if you crave a coach who will get real with you, I invite you to apply.

Wayfinding: Flexible coaching packages

Get unstuck, ditch the overwhelm, & renew your spirit

This is my flagship offer and is designed for awakening humans who are feeling burnt out, overwhelmed, or stuck as a result of circumstance or culture.

It’s also for humans who are undergoing a “mid-life crisis,” are on solid mental footing, and want help regaining their footing so that they can experience fulfillment, peace, and sense of purpose.

Kristi leaning into a pine tree


Wayfind without commitment

If you’ve never worked with me and would like to test-drive Wayfinding, I invite you to schedule a complimentary full-length Wayfinding session.

I don’t always offer this, so don’t wait!

If you have worked with me and would like to schedule a one-off session, I’ve got you covered, too!

Real Results From Clients

Her body compass helped her get out of her own way

Received a life-changing insight in one session

One client came to me after struggling for years on whether she wanted to expand her family. Within a few minutes it became clear that she was stuck in her head and that her anxiety was compounding things.

So, I intuitively guided her into a deep body scan followed by two brief visualizations. Within maybe two minutes of the second visualization, she received from her inner guide the insight she needed to make a life-changing decision that she’d spent years trying to figure out.

This is the power of Wayfinding.

she embraced a new, non-icky way of sharing her art with the world

Released her resistance to marketing her book

A brilliant, published author was playing small when it came to promoting her novel. With many clients, playing small comes from issues stemming from self-worth. But in her case, playing small was more about feeling overwhelmed by the “tech stuff” and having a deep aversion to engaging in the kind of marketing “ick” that plagues our culture.

After a single 90-minute session, she had identified (1) a marketing plan that felt deeply aligned, and (2) turtle steps to eliminate the overwhelm caused by the “tech stuff.”

This is the power of Wayfinding.

We're a Good Fit If...

You take ownership of your life experience

You don’t get stuck blaming others or wishing things were different. You take action and change your mindset.

You want a coach who will be real with you

You aren’t looking for someone to co-sign your response to life or be your bestie. You’re seeking transformation.

You're called to serve humanity + our world

You both want to live “well” in our capitalist society and honor the call to elevate our collective consciousness.

Love From Clients