The deadline to apply to our SACRED CIRCLE FACILITATOR training program is October 20.

Wayfinder Coaching

Get unstuck, ditch the overwhelm, & renew your spirit

Wayfinding for Conscientious
& Compassionate Humans

I partner with compassionate change-makers to help them remember who they are, bravely lean into their callings, and impact the world through their presence and work.

This is my flagship offer and is designed for awakening humans who are feeling burnt out, overwhelmed, or stuck as a result of circumstance or culture.

It’s also for humans who are undergoing a “mid-life crisis,” are on solid mental footing, and want help regaining their footing so that they can experience fulfillment, peace, and renewed sense of purpose.

Wayfinding may be For You if you...

…are a fellow Wayfinder, visionary, or healer and want support that helps recalibrate your spirit.

…are feeling burnt out, overwhelmed, or lost.

…feel stuck in a job (or life!) that doesn’t fulfill you.

…are navigating a dark night of the soul triggered by divorce, job loss, or something else.

…play small (because that’s what others expect).

…wonder what your purpose even is. You know deep down that you were put here for a reason.

…spend money on crap you don’t need, waste time on social media, and/or drink to escape your life.

Wayfinding is your invitation to...

…stop trading your soul for a paycheck.

…be seen and heard; to feel supported; to gain clarity; to reclaim your sense of Self. 

…start playing big and taking up space!

…make right-for-you decisions with confidence.

…know and actualize your purpose, your soul’s Earthly mission.

…create a life you deeply love, a life you don’t want to escape or otherwise distract yourself from.

…get comfortable saying no, without guilt.

What makes me the right Coach for you?

You crave depth

You care more about feeling fulfilled, purpose-driven and free and less about manifesting more stuff.

You care deeply

You care deeply about humanity and the Earth. Being the change you wish to see in the world matters to you.

You feel called

Deep down you feel called to Wayfind. You’re ready to work with a trained guide. Your Spirit craves it.

Peace is your soul's home


Client Love

Click here to read my most favorite testimonial EVER!

Pricing & Packages

Packages are not one-size-fits-all and are customized to meet your unique needs. Most clients can expect an investment of around $500/month. If you’d like to purchase a single session, click here.

The process of working with me begins with a zero-pressure call. I look forward to exploring this with you!

Packages Include:

Intuitive, insight-based coaching w/turtle steps

recordings w/transcripts so that you can skip Note-taking

full customization to meet your unique needs

Unleash your True Nature

How it works

You Schedule

You’ll schedule your call and answer a few questions.

We Meet

We’ll explore what Wayfinding together might look like.

You Sleep On It

There’s never any pressure. No “overcoming objections.”

Create spaciousness

Best Love EVER !!

More Client Love

What's Possible for you

You stop apologizing for who you are and reclaim your right to unapologetically take up space.

You learn who you are and what your purpose is (if you’re seeking it).

You actualize your purpose.

You reclaim agency over your own life.

You make decisions that others don’t always support, and you’re okay with that.

You feel inspired and purpose-driven.

You feel a re-wilding of Spirit, a fire in your belly, and a reconnection with the sacred.

You come to reside in a state of inner peace without much (if any) effort.

You embody the Divine Love that you already ARE.

You make changes that you’ve been avoiding: renegotiating a relationship, leaving a job, starting a business…and you do so with grace.

You show up in the world from a place of Love because you’ve discovered that it’s who you truly are.

You practice radical self-care.

You stop settling for scraps, mediocrity, or ‘good enough’.

You come to not only trust and follow your inner guide – la que sabe, she who knows – but to rely on her.

You live a soul-aligned, fulfilling AF life and help elevate the collective consciousness of humanity in the process.

And Even More Client Love


Please review the Q&As below. If you don’t see your question, drop me a line at [email protected]. I’ll do my best to respond within 1 business day.

Yes, as long as you’re open to Wayfinding (see the question “What makes Wayfinding different from regular coaching” below).

As a Martha Beck-certified Wayfinder and ICF-credentialed coach, I can coach you around absolutely anything “coachable” that you bring to our sessions.

Yes! Your life has many facets to it but it’s still your life and is impossible to fully and neatly compartmentalize.

There are so many labels we can attach to the word ‘coaching’, but the coaching itself – the inquiry, the holding space, the tools – are applicable to all areas. Also, unlike consulting, coaching doesn’t require expertise in a subject area to facilitate transformative insights.

If this is an area you’d like to explore, please bring this up during our exploratory call so we can determine whether your needs and my skillset are a good fit.


As a HSP (highly sensitive person) who values integrity and transparency, I have zero tolerance for manipulative or high-pressure selling. You will never experience that sort of “ick” with me.

My packages are tailored to your unique needs, which means my rates can vary significantly. As such, I no longer post them but do offer what is likely to be a minimum investment.

During our call, we’ll explore whether we’re a good fit for each other and what a coaching relationship would look like, but I’m not going to ask you to commit to anything on the spot.

And, I appreciate that you may need to (1) discuss this investment with a significant other before committing to anything, and (2) take some time to figure out how you’re going to pay for it. Because, let’s face it – very few people actually have a budget for coaching.

If you decide that now isn’t the right time for you to begin your Wayfinding journey with me, it’s important to me that you know that I will never, ever view you as having wasted my time. 

I wish I didn’t need to state this, but I remember being on a short “free” exploratory coaching call years ago and when I wasn’t willing to commit on the spot to enrolling in ongoing coaching with the guy, he treated me like I’d just wasted his time. ICK. Ironically, I just wanted to find out how much coaching cost and what it was all about (I’d learned about it at a Tony Robbins event), and the only way I could find out was to hop on a call!

If now’s not the time, maybe later is. Or maybe we just made a cool new connection! So please know that this is where I’m at going into our call.

No pressure. No nervous system dysregulation. Not ever.

Wayfinding is all about supporting a client who’s embarked on the journey to live in integrity with their true nature. This is in stark contrast from most of the coaching offers I’ve encountered, which don’t tend to focus on whether a stated goal or desire is truly aligned for the client at the soul level.

During a coaching call, we’re going to regularly check in with your body compass and/or your future Self. We’re going to invite creativity into our work. And, we’re going to explore your greater vision, whether your goals align with it, and how to tweak them if they don’t.

Nearly every session includes us identifying turtle steps that are aligned with your greater vision.

Additionally, Wayfinding may involve swapping Zoom for our phones so that we can move outdoors, where insights seem to come quicker and more naturally.

Yes! While Zoom is my default arrangement, we can also Wayfind over the phone or even in-person! In fact, if you live near Chicago and are able to come to me, we can even “Wayfind in the woods.”

Absolutely! While my site – its verbiage and vibe – tend to resonate best with women, I LOVE working with men who are drawn to my particular “flavor” of this work (they tend to be pretty self-aware, which is a fantastic trait)! And those I’ve worked with have told me that they felt truly seen, which is something that they don’t get much of in their day-to-day lives.

What’s important is that you vibe with what you encounter on this site.

Regardless of your pronouns, if you feel drawn to what you’ve encountered here, please schedule a call!

My Refund Policy + Guarantee

I guarantee to show up, be fully present, and hold space for you. To coach you powerfully, to the best of my ability. I do not guarantee specific results. You’ll get out of Wayfinding what you put into it. Aha! moments and breakthroughs are bound to happen, but lasting change requires a commitment to “doing the work” and your own readiness to change at a soul level. Are you game?

Your progress and satisfaction are very important to me. So is my time. As such, I don’t offer refunds.

Also, I strongly recommend reviewing my Terms of Purchase.