Sacred Circling
Sacred Circling
For women who crave sisterhood & a safe, inclusive space to be themselves.
We gather in circle to remember who we are.
Come gather with us in Sacred Circle, where soul-nourishing community and sisterhood are fostered, where women are seen, heard, and witnessed. Where competition, pettiness, and gossip are absent. Where women honor other women…
Current circling opportunities…
There are no current circling opportunities open to the public. I do plan to offer another in-person Sacred Sister Membership Circle for Chicago sisters that will run Sep 2025 - Jan 2025. Occasionally, I’ll also offer one-off circles (virtual and in-person).
The best way to stay in the know about upcoming events, circles, etc. is to subscribe to my (sporadic) newsletter.
Never miss a circle! ❤
I love connecting with Wayfinders and sisters! My emails are rad, and I’ll only email you when I have stuff worth sharing. Like reflections and freebies and circling opportunites.