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A blog update
Please note that the links in these posts and references to programs, etc., may or may not be functional…and that I’m working on getting them updated. #patienceisavirtue
By category
How Do I Spread Love To People I Don't Know? Love Dousing!
I coined this phrase after reading a passage in Martha Beck's book "Finding Your Way in a Wild New World". The gist of the passage is that individuals choosing to reside in a state of Oneness and unattached love have a nearly inconceivable power to change the world. At least that's how I interpreted it.
How I Connect With My Intuition, My Inner Guide, And My Soul
If you've spent anytime on this website, you've probably noticed that I talk a lot about how I help sisters and brothers connect with their inner guides, their souls.Today I'm going to share my favorite practices for doing this, and my hope is that you'll find something here that helps you connect with your own beautiful soul.
Your Body Knows The Answer! How To Access Your Innate Wisdom
I’m not sure when it was that I first started trusting my innate wisdom to guide me, but my first tangible recollection of it dates back to 1996 – just a few months after my nearly fatal suicide attempt......Something about me at that moment surrendered. To what, I don’t entirely know. But there was an internal shift.
Feeling Triggered? Here's How To "Ride the Wave"
I'm not always all love and light and sometimes shit gets to me. For example, I’m highly sensitive to certain sounds, and noises made "just because" turn me into an irritated stress ball. When this happens, the "flight" part of the "fight or flight" response kicks in, and I'm outta there. I live in a home with young children, so this is something that I contend with regularly.
How I Managed To Tame My Inner Control Freak
Five weeks ago, I moved in with my boyfriend. He recently bought a bungalow in Chicago, and what was once a household of two became a household of five.It’s what I wanted and let me be clear – I adore the hell out of him – but it’s caused my stubborn AF inner control freak to nearly lose her mind.
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