The blog
A blog update
Please note that the links in these posts and references to programs, etc., may or may not be functional…and that I’m working on getting them updated. #patienceisavirtue
By category
Era 3: New Beginnings, Boundaries, And Mentorship
Welcome to the third era of my life. On Christmas Eve, I found out that I was pregnant. I had no money or job, and my family was over 1,000 miles away. I was living with six or seven activists and a dog in a duplex under less-than sanitary conditions. I was receiving public assistance and had no idea what to do...
Era 2: I Gave Up Everything To Follow My Soul's Call
In fall of 1998, I transferred to Purdue’s main campus and got involved with a student environmental advocacy group (EA) because their flyer promoted a campout, and I dig camping. I was also taking a philosophy class, which I found fascinating, and which led me to pick up a copy of Think on These Things by Jiddu Krishnamurti. I cannot overstate the impact that this single book has had on my life.
Era 1: How I Reclaimed My Life After I Nearly Ended It
...I was again admitted into the psychiatric hospital. And, I found out that I was pregnant. I was an absolute disaster...During my last session with my psychiatrist I was told that he was pleased with my “progress” and that as long as I stayed on my cornucopia of meds forever I might be able to live a “somewhat normal” life. Are you fucking kidding me?!
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